Monday 18 April 2011


I've recently been attuned for Reiki, for someone like me, or the person i used to be (highly strung) it has been amazing and made a real difference in my life. See to learn more.

Friday 16 October 2009

Messing with my food!

I don't think i'm a stick in the mud but i hate when people mess with food. Coming in to work to find my potato / lunch with a smiley face on it didn't amuse me....WTF

Wednesday 25 March 2009

Techniques To Unwind

Having been in a number of scenarios myself, I went on a mission to 'heal' myself, I was (and maybe still am) emotionally 'beat up'.

I experienced a rollercoaster of emotions. I was soul searching in every way possible. I have no religion, but I have followed Christianity all my life,this was the only faith i'd known since being a small child but at times this didn't seem enough, I wasn't devout enough, so this didn't reach deep down enough in my soul. I wasn't sure of 'how' I was mean to use this to heal, but I knew I just needed to be fixed now.
I read self help books,numerous volumes, some were good, others bad, some scary and others just plain wrong and what I started to realise was that this couldn't be fixed in a day a week or a month, it would take time.

Simple techniques:
1.) Deep breathing - very simple but effective to reduce stress to a manageable level.

2.) Use your middle and index fingers of both hands and place them 2 fingers spaces above you eyebrows, just a gentle touch. Keep them here for a few seconds until you can feel the gentle pulsing.I don't know how this works, I believe its something to do with realigning energy & vibrations but I find this helps. (watch the videos on this page)

3) Yoga stretches, sun salutations are great, do a few of these. You don't have to be an expert just the stretching and breathing is good.

Depending on your level of stress you may need to use other techniques such as meditation, emotional catharsis or even counselling or psychotherapy. If you are feeling very depressed, please seek medical advice in the first instance.

Scenario 2 - The Self Obsessed Person

Do you know this person? are you this person?

You have a problem, so you go to your friend for a shoulder to cry on and you leave feeling worse than before!
This type of person turns every conversation around so the attention is on them. You've gone to talk about a problem and instead of listening to you, you see them either start to lose interest or they start getting defensive saying stuff like 'its not me is it?' , hold up 1 darn minute, lets get back to me, the focus should be on me here, this ISN'T about you!

How do you resolve this one with out stressing yourself out more and without hurting your friends feelings?

Are you a lover not a hater, a good friend and always there to console and help people around you. But when you need someone it is not reciprocated.
Don't be bitter, these types of people need attention and maybe sometimes you feel they don't always have your best interests at heart.
In my experience this person needs you more than you need them. I was in this position for many years, i'd mention my friends behaviour to other people and this only caused more upset and a feeling of betrayal. The way to deal with this is talk.

Too simple?, its not, you will not get anywhere & your relationships will not flourish if there are feelings of resentment.Tell this person exactly how you feel.You can do this without being abrupt, but do this with the unmoveable belief in your mind that the situation will have a favourable outcome.

Keep on keeping on.

Scenario 1 - Will This Dude Please Shut The Hell Up?!?!

We've probably all come across this type of person at some point in our lives, that someone who continually moans, the pessimist who, as soon as he speaks just brings you down to their level, my advice would be to stay well away!

As the saying goes 'Misery loves company' these people thrive by moaning and seeing everything bad in the world. Do you often see these people happy?, do they seem fulfilled?. NO, they may have some material worth but are generally miserable people who you don't want to be around.

Positive thinking is a great thing. When you focus on the positive aspects of your life, the negatives issues become smaller. The more you focus on the bad stuff and grumble about them, you are giving them far too much attention and the issues just seem to grow and grow.

What can you do?

Other than strangle the person, the best way to deal with this type of person is to counteract every thing that is said. Now its obvious that if this person is complaining about the weather and its raining outside, its raining, you can't say, 'its a lovely sunny day'....but counteract every negative with a positive. If they are griping about the weather say, 'well at least this summer there won't be a hose pipe ban!' For your own sanity, you really need to focus on positive aspects everyday. This is hard initially if, like me, you were used to joining in with depressing conversations, but it does not benefit you.

Think positive and be optimistic always.